Gary Oldman in Nju-cross-country (London, Great Britain) in a family with an average prosperity was born on March, 21st, 1958. Having entered troupe of the Greenwich Youth theatre at the age of 14 years, throws school and it is arranged in shop of the sports goods with the seller. In 1975 makes an attempt to arrive in Royal academy of drama art where it do not take, it is transparent hinting that with its given by the actor it becomes never. Self-assured Geri easy perceives refusal, having achieved necessary for it result in college of scenic speech and a drama Rose Bruford whom in 1979 it finishes with distinction.

To the middle the eightieth young actor becomes one of the best theatrical actors of England. Its works were repeatedly marked by professional awards. Worked in Royal Shakespearean and Royal court theatres. In the big cinema Oldman debuts in a biographic film "Sid and Nensi" (1986) Alexs Koksa. The actor shows miracles of transformation and in the following work - «will prick up the ears» (1987). In the USA the actor gets over in 1988, Whether where shortly receives a role of Harvi Osvalda in Olivera Stone's scandalous film «JFK» (1991). In 1992 second year Oldman excellent plays the vampire in Frensisa Ford Coppola picture of "Drakula".

In the late nineties the majority of roles which to the actor suggest to play, is roles of villains. Олдман it is as much as possible convincing in each of them, the characters allocates with unique character traits. To spectators its works in films «Fifth element» Besson's (1997) Hatches and «the Presidential plane» (1997) leading role in which were for a long time remembered Harrison Ford has played. In 1997 Geri debuts as the director with the picture put under with own hand written scenario - "Not to swallow". For today unique director's work of Oldmana, gets at once to number of nominees of a film festival in Cannes.

In 1997, twice dissolved actor (wives: Lesli Menvill, Uma Turman), marries Donii Fiorentino - the professional photographer.

The actor and in a new millenium continues to work indefatigably in an actor's field. To new generation of spectators the actor becomes known as the villain Sirius for Blek in a series of superhits about Harry Potter: «Harry Potter and prisoner Azkabana» (2004), «Harry Potter and fire cup» (2005), «Harry Potter and an award of the Phoenix» (2007). The list of popular pictures with participation of the actor is not limited to these three works, are highly appreciated by critics and admirers and its other works: «the Line 60» (2002), «the Batman: the Beginning» (2005), «the Dark knight» (2008). The next occurrence of the actor on wide screens in a film «Christmas song» is planned for 2009.